I am a chiropractor who has been living and practicing in Atascadero, CA for 50+ years. I’ve recently decided that I am ready to retire, and I would like to bring on a new chiropractor I can train to take excellent care of my patients.
I am a dedicated Christian who uses low force instrument adjusting. As I work on patients, I ask God what to do, when to do it, and what the patient’s body’s priorities are. My relationship to God is extremely important in my life and in my work, and I would love to bless a new graduate who feels the same way with my 56 years of experience.
My number one priority is that my patients be well cared for. I do not put my patients on programs or sell them treatment packages, and I will expect whoever I bring on to do the same.
Business and financial details can be negotiated at a later date.
Reviews of my practice are available for any interested chiropractic students or recently graduated chiropractors on Yelp and on Google.
Thank you for the opportunity to share the love of God and chiropractic to heal those in pain.